PrincePerelson & Associates

4 Ways to Land the Job of Your Dreams

If Mondays are the day of the week you dread most, or you have trouble motivating yourself to wake up every morning, it might be time to start thinking about changing your job or career. Finding the job of your dreams doesn’t have to be just a dream, but there are a few secrets and tips that can help you land that job sooner.

Define Your Job Goals

If you’re just looking for a new job because you hate your current job and you’re willing to take just about anything, your chances of ending up in another less-than-satisfying career are higher. It’s much easier if you take some time to define exactly what you want to do before you start your search, because it allows you to focus on only applying for the jobs that really matter to you. Networking has always been one of the premier ways to land a new job, but if you can’t define what you want, your network won’t know how to help you.

Build Your Brand Online

The vast majority of recruiters and hiring managers today use LinkedIn and other social networking sites to find and vet candidates. If you have less-than-professional photos, incomplete profiles, or poorly written content that can have a negative impact on recruiters impressions of you. Social media can be a great way to tell your career narrative with more space and more flexibility that you have on a resume. You can also use social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share information about causes and industries you are passionate about. Be genuine, though—recruiters can usually spot an opportunist online.

Highlight Intangible Experiences

Just putting in time at a big-name firm or getting a degree at a top university is not enough to stand out to hiring managers. Instead, companies are focused on intangibles like emotional intelligence—defined by Psychology Today as “the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” It includes emotional awareness, the ability to harness emotions and use them for problem solving, and the ability to manage yours and others emotions. Cultivate your leadership skills early so you can showcase these intangibles to employers.

Be Flexible and Open to Change

People need to be flexible and adaptable to change as the pace of business changes. We live in a hyperspeed world, where things can change on a daily basis, so the most valuable employees are those who are not afraid of change.

Whether you are actively in the market for a new position or you are a passive job seeker who might be willing to make a change for the right opportunity, there’s never a bad time to start building your personal brand, networking with others in your industry, and engaging in meaningful interactions with potential employers.

Start Your Unique Recruiting Experience

PPA, based in Utah, delivers premier national recruiting and professional placement services.