PrincePerelson & Associates

Practical Ideas to Increase Employee Engagement

Low employee engagement typically results in high employee turnover. This leads to the human resources department needing to continuously find new talent to fill vacant positions. Employees who aren’t motivated tend to just go through the motions of the workplace without any feelings of loyalty or commitment.

In order to foster a loyal workforce, you need to get employees on board with the company mission and instill pride by helping them understand what makes your brand special. Employees should feel like their contributions matter and that they have a part in the company’s long-term success.

In order to help your employees be more invested in our business, try these five practical strategies.

  • Utilize Appropriate Employee Engagement SurveysEmployees want to be heard. One way to make them feel like their input matters is to circulate regular feedback surveys for them to complete. Make sure that you are asking questions that you will be able to respond to appropriately. The issues that the survey addresses should be relevant, specific, and actionable at all levels of the organization. Make sure to act on this feedback when possible. Your responsiveness sends a message that employee opinions are valued and can be a catalyst for positive changes.
  • Have the Right ManagersPeople with the right talents, traits, and aptitude to manage others can effectively increase employee engagement. On the other hand, nothing can sink morale like poor managers. Unfortunately, HR departments sometimes adhere to a rigid set of technical qualification standards when interviewing and hiring managers rather than looking at their leadership abilities and people skills. They then leave the newly hired managers to their own devices to develop their capabilities within the company. During the hiring process, companies should examine applicants’ management experience and background along with their functional or technical skills. They should also provide training and follow-up and get feedback from employees and customers to gauge managers’ performance.
  • Include Employees in Company GoalsIt does no good to make goals at the top levels of management if they don’t trickle down to employees. Encourage employees to set goals for themselves and their respective departments. Review them regularly at weekly meetings, strategic planning sessions, and more. Offer incentives for employees and departments that meet their goals. If goals aren’t being met, hold departments and individuals responsible and find out what can be done to improve performance.
  • Connect with Each Employee on an Individual LevelSince every employee is different, increasing engagement requires a connection with each individual. What motivates one employee might not be effective in engaging another. The better you know your workers, the more aware you can be of different ways to engage them. This is especially true for a highly diverse workforce. Ensure that management is holding one-on-one meetings and evaluations with employees to find out how to best engage them in supporting and growing the company.

Current business trends show that employee engagement has a direct effect on essential business and financial outcomes. Engaged employees create better products, provide better services, and have less turnover and absenteeism. Actively engaged employees are also the most innovative and passionate and bring vibrant entrepreneurial energy to their company.


Practical Ideas to Increase Employee Engagement

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