Seasoned recruiters recognize the annual ebb and flow of jobs on the market. In a typical year, the market floods with new candidates when university students graduate in the spring. Candidate interest may wane in the summer months and then pick up again, approaching the holiday season when many companies experience a marked increase in sales. Choosing the best time of year to post your job listing will depend on various factors, but for many employers, the first quarter of the year marks the beginning of the hiring season.
Business Perspective
In the business world, January marks the commencement of more than simply a new calendar year. It is the start of a new fiscal year with new budgets, new funds for hiring, and a new perspective on work. Business projects and incentives from the previous year wrap up in December, and the organization begins fresh with new initiatives, goals, and projects. With the holidays over, few employees are out on vacation, and moratoriums prohibiting significant changes have expired.
With the whole year ahead and much to accomplish, employers may ramp up their job listings to fill vacancies or new positions created to further new ambitions. Likewise, the market floods with candidates. Having used their vacation and benefits with their previous employer in December of the previous year, they have a New Years’ Resolution to find a better, higher-paying, or more flexible job in the new year.
Unfortunately, experience has shown that while there are plenty of jobs available in January and suitable applicants searching for employment, it can take time to fill these positions. Many open positions posted in January remain vacant until February, as employers screen through resumés and conduct interviews. Productive time is lost to the recruiting process.
The straightforward solution to utilizing this lost time efficiently is to hire temporary employees. Temporary employees are in high demand throughout November and December. However, many seasonal employees hired for the holiday season lose their income after the first of the year and are looking for a new job. Additionally, college graduates finishing their degree at the end of the fall semester enter the job market ready to try their hand at their chosen profession. A temporary or temp-to-hire may be a perfect fit.
The New Economy
In the past, the term “temp job” referred to a position one would fill temporarily for a receptionist, secretary, or assistant’s extended leave of absence. However, in recent years, temporary positions have expanded into nearly every sector of the economy. Even top earners such as doctors and lawyers work temporarily for different employers. Temporary can now fit in any setting.
During the pandemic of 2020, many people lost their jobs as businesses shuttered their doors, and everyone stayed at home – the unfortunate result of a worldwide disaster. However, the return to work and the resultant changes to the job market have been unpredictable. Time away from work convinced many that they did not want to return to the same job they had before. A larger percentage of the unemployed are looking for new positions in new industries. Many want more flexibility to work remotely or perform freelance work instead of trekking into the office.
Facing the difficult task of staffing their organization, many employers are re-examining the roles and open positions to determine the best way to fill them.
- Could a temporary employee do this task, or do we need someone full-time on staff?
- Am I willing to train an individual with experience in a different industry to do the job?
- Am I sure that this position will still be necessary in six months, or could potential changes make it obsolete?
The answers to the questions can potentially restructure day-to-day operations and, at the same time, cater to the changing preferences of talented job applicants.
Offering temporary work or temp-to-hire positions can allow individuals to enter into a new field of work with minimal risk. The short-term commitment enables both employer and employee to try before they buy. The investment of time and money spent training and onboarding can be limited to the scope necessitated by the position. As the employee proves themselves and their devotion to the job, employers can expand their responsibilities.
Benefits of Temporary
Because temporary employees report directly to a temporary employment agency and not to the company with which they are placed, many of the HR tasks associated with their employment fall to the agency. Companies hiring temporary employees save time by hiring these individuals pre-screened, tested, and interviewed by the agency. Staffing agencies also handle financial matters such as payroll, taxes, and unemployment insurance.
Ahead of the Curve
The time to start developing your hiring plan for the new year is well in advance of your New Years’ celebration. Expect other companies to strive to start 2022 with a bang, hiring the brightest and most talented individuals. Changes to our economy may necessitate changes to your typical staffing methods. Perhaps this year, you incorporate more remote workers or take advantage of the talented pool of temporary employees available through staffing firms. Knowing at the end of 2021 what positions you need to fill and how to plan to fill them will give you an advantage in the competitive hiring market.