PrincePerelson & Associates

Why Effective Recruiting is Crucial to Business Success

C-level executives are the public faces of organizations. They are responsible for leading the company and often face scrutiny from the board and the public for decisions and policies. While their leadership role is essential, an organization’s employees determine its ability to succeed. The capability of employees to provide solutions and complete projects effectively and efficiently is the lifeblood of the company. Because companies grow and thrive on their employees’ accomplishments, hiring the right people for every role is vital.

Recruitment is a task often performed by the human resources department. However, many companies prefer to hire a recruitment firm to assist them with this crucial task. Recruiting firms offer years of experience identifying the right candidates for job positions and can cast a wider net to reach candidates who may not even be in the market. Recruiting effectively requires deliberate and careful planning but can bring many benefits to those willing to invest the time and effort.

The Benefits

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Top talent is always in short supply, and some fields are particularly competitive. Leading candidates know their skills are valuable. They are looking for more than just a job. They want a position that offers opportunities to grow and further their career. To reel them in, you must demonstrate what your organization offers.

To avoid losing great candidates to a competing company, you need to know your competition. Take the time to research other open positions. What are other companies offering? What other opportunities do candidates have? Then, determine how you can stand out from the crowd. Perhaps, there are benefits you can include or the chance to work with cutting-edge technology.

While submitting resumés, completing tests, and attending interviews will never make the top ten list of things to do, the process should be as smooth as possible. Your process reflects on your company, whether it is accurate or not. Seek ways to streamline the process and keep applicants apprised of the next steps. Being thorough is important, but it should not be allowed to slow down the process. A candidate’s experience will not only influence their decision to accept or reject an offer but will likely share it with others, impacting future hiring decisions.

Consider your company brand and reputation. Learn what current and former employees are saying about working for your organization. Potential employees will do their own research before accepting a position. Will it help persuade them to take the job, or will you need to craft a better offer to seal the deal?

Less Employee Turnover

Employees leave a company for many reasons, including pay, benefits, hours, and lack of opportunities. Unfortunately, many employees leave soon after joining an organization because of a hiring mismatch. Once the candidate begins working, they find the position is not what they expected. They may be overqualified, underqualified, or find the culture poorly fits them.

Effective recruiting practices evaluate candidates carefully to ensure they will be a good long-term match for the organization. It begins with crafting a realistic and accurate description of the position and your expectations for the position. It may be wise to consult with other employees on the same team to define niche roles within the organization. A clearly defined job description is more likely to attract the best candidates for that job, allowing you to hire the best candidates.

Remove Bias

In the recruiting process, personal bias can interfere with fair and equitable selection and lead you to hire a candidate that is a poor fit. It can also leave a company vulnerable to discrimination lawsuits. While we may not be aware of our own implicit bias, it can still impact our decisions.

Standardizing the recruitment process helps ensure that every candidate is treated equally and fairly. Before beginning a search, determine what you need to know about each candidate and what metric you will use to assess their abilities in that area. Evaluation tools can include applications, interview questions, and standardized tests. Relying on the information you glean from these tools helps inform a fact-based decision not subject to personal feelings.

Reduce Training

Hiring a new employee is a significant investment, as you spend time and money recruiting and training new individuals. Additionally, it may take time for new employees to have adequate knowledge to be fully contributing team members. Hiring candidates who possess the necessary skills and experience require less training. New hires able to jump right into their roles and begin working are a smaller monetary and time investment to hire and contribute to the organization much sooner.

Effective recruiting successfully identifies the best candidate for open job positions. Even the most well-intentioned searches may not result in a successful placement. However, when done correctly, recruiting can contribute significantly to the ultimate success of an organization. Contact a local Salt Lake City recruiting firm for assistance recruiting for your organization. Leveraging their experience and contacts can help you hire the best candidate.


Recruitment is a critical factor in the success of any business. Branching out and discovering skilled candidates can help build an effective team to accomplish strategic objectives. By hiring right, companies can get more talented individuals for their positions, leading to increased productivity, superior customer experience, and greater profits. This infographic outlines why successful recruitment should be at the top of every organization’s priority list if they wish to succeed.

4 Recruiting Tips Crucial to Business Infographic


Why Effective Recruiting is Crucial to Business Success

Start Your Unique Recruiting Experience

PPA, based in Utah, delivers premier national recruiting and professional placement services.